
New York: A Singular Vision (Paintings)

This series of more than eighty acrylic on canvas paintings, produced between 1968 and 1979, presents a hyper-romanticized version of a New York City semi-industrial landscape, that pre-gentrification, went mostly unnoticed and unloved. In these reverential renderings, nondescript…


New York: A Singular Vision (Screenprints)

The crisp edges and pristine surfaces of silkscreen provided even greater purification within Chase’s urban landscape oeuvre. Mentored by the legendary silkscreen printer, Alexander Heinrici, a close friend in the early days of Soho, Chase went on to produce 12 landmark…


The Beautiful Hours

This series of more than forty small oil on paper paintings alludes to the Medieval “book of hours” manuscript form. These sublimely crafted illuminated manuscripts chronicled both the sacred and secular life of a noble patron, through paintings and text. The Beautiful Hours


Answering Light

Answering Light is a series of large ( 55” x 48”) acrylic on wood panel paintings, produced between 1996 and 2014. The work explores the dynamic choreography…